85% of our financial success was due to skills in "human engineering", personality, and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead.

The Carnegie Institute of Technology carried out research that showed that

They found that only 15% was due to technical ability. In other words people skills or skills highly related to emotional intelligence were crucial skills. Nobel Prize winning Israeli-American psychologist Daniel Kahneman found that people would rather do business with a person they like and trust rather than someone they don't, even if that that person is offering a better product at a lower price.

Helping Families
Enjoy Their Homes

Our mission

"I have a vision that one day we'll be the top service company in the United States."

Vess Pearson, CEO

#1 Fastest Growing Pest Control Company in the USA

Ranked #28 in Entrepreneur's 360

– Vess Pearson, CEO –

“I have a vision that one day we’ll be the top service company in the United States.”

Ranked #1 in Emerging Companies from Utah Business

Serviced More Accounts than our Top 7 Competitors Combined

Ranked #28 in Entrepreneur’s 360

#1 Fastest Growing Pest Control Company in the U.S.A.

Core Values


We always go the extra mile and anticipate our customer’s needs to make every interaction extraordinary.


What we do, we do wholeheartedly by always keeping our commitments. We are passionate about excellence and precision.


We take time to better ourselves and continually look for opportunities to improve as individuals and as a company each day.


Our actions are focused on lifting up others and ourselves, as we create a positive culture and find ways to give back.

Build Your Resume

Receive the hands-on experience that can build your resume and shape your character for years to come. The confidence and skills you obtain at Aptive are guaranteed to help your resume stand out from the crowd, including:


30 States. 115 Areas.

Allentown North
Allentown South
Atlanta Northeast
Atlanta Southwest
Austin Central
Austin North
Austin South
Baltimore East
Baltimore West
Bay Area East
Bay Area North
Bay Area South
Bay Area West
Central Jersey
Charlotte East
Charlotte West
Chicago Central
Chicago North
Chicago South
Cincinnati North
Cincinnati South
Cleveland East
Cleveland West
Columbus East
Columbus West
Corona North
Corona South
Dallas North
Dallas South
DC North
DC South
Denver Central
Denver North
Denver South
Des Moines
Detroit North
Detroit South
Eugene | Bend
Ft Lauderdale North
Ft Lauderdale South
Ft Worth South
Ft Worth West
Grand Rapids
Hanover MA
Hanover PA
Houston East
Houston North
Houston Southeast
Houston Southwest
Houston West
Idaho Falls
Indianapolis North
Indianapolis South
Kansas City East
Kansas City West
Las Vegas
Long Island
Los Angeles East
Los Angeles West
Milwaukee North
Milwaukee South
Minneapolis North
Minneapolis South
Newport News
North Jersey
Oklahoma City
Orange County Central
Orange County East
Orange County West
Orlando North
Orlando South
Philadelphia East
Phoenix North
Phoenix South
Pittsburgh North
Pittsburgh South
Portland North
Portland South
Sacramento East
Sacramento West
Saint George
San Antonio East
San Antonio West
San Diego North
San Diego South
Seattle North
Seattle South
SLC Central
SLC North
SLC South
South Jersey
St. Louis East
St. Louis West
Virginia Beach
White Plains

Why are we growing? What do you think?

Average Revenue Growth, 2016-2022

“There’s only one growth strategy: work hard.”

– William Hague –